Sunday, February 21, 2010

Little White Lie.

I cant stand it...
i pride myself in being honest yes we all bend the truth at times but you lie about things
i would never understand, i get it you told me you wore a red had but it ended up being blue i found out you dont see a problem it was just a "little" lie, well see i dont really care what color your hat is but why lie ?its really gettin under my skin because its like you give me permission to not be honest with you!! is that what you would like? nobodys perfect we both know that but sweetheart to lie about something like what you lied about scared the heck out of me!! i rrealy feel that if you could lie to me about something that has no significance to our life and not get that it is wrong then why would you tell me the truth when it really matter... happiness comes with truth... what i mean is if we tell the truth then we will not have to worry about covering up our "little white lies" yes the truth hurts but the neverending lies that comes from one lie can be the death of a friendship and a relationship so would you want it to hurt for a little while or go away for ever! i repect anyone who would tell the truth so honestly was your white lie worth loosing my trust?

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