Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Miss You

my alarm woke me up and i looked and i saw that it reminded me that your birthday is tomorrow.... august 12, 2009 you will be 22 wow i can not believe that you are not here to celebrate...... it hurts me soooo much... i miss you so much.. .everything doesnt seem the same, i remember when you called me on my 16th birthday after you left for college i was so convinced that you forgot and you had moved on but cub you didnt... i will never forget that, your call was one of the most important calls i had that day...... you always seemed to remind me that you would always care and when you went to college i jus convinced myself that i had too..... i mean you would be so dissappointed if i didnt make you proud...... cubby i think it hurts me the most cause i took all that for granted, i dont think i got to appreciate you fully and i feel quilty for that!!! i didnt even get to say a proper goodbye it is not fair, i dont like crying nad feeling like this i try to remember every single encouraging word you told me and mymind get heavy cause you always had positive things to say.... nobodys perfect but you were soooo caring, cubby im crying so hard... i really just dont know how i made it two years but somethint in me tells me that you are smiling at me and i can help but to want to satisfy you, i know you want me to accomplish my dreams!! Cubby you are forever in my heart and i love you so much its not your birthday yet so believe i will give you a big happy 22nd but i reallyy miss you big cuzzo... i wish you coulda stayed with me


christian uriah bruce

aug. 12,1987-nov. 11,2007

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